Okay. So the impossible has happened. Mid-way through your vacation you catch some weird bug, and can hardly lift yourself out of bed. What to do?

Your insurance company will have given you an emergency toll-free number to call if you need medical help. Typically, if you are in need of medical attention you are required to contact your provider before obtaining treatment; the assistance centres are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

When you call the number, the travel assistance centre will help you obtain medical attention, coordinate medical care and transportation, verify coverage and often assist with foreign language support.

For any covered services that you pay for, remember to get detailed receipts. You may need to submit those receipts when you return home.

Making the claim
Your travel insurance policy should include all the details of how to make a claim. Some companies ask you to pay medical expenses up front, then they reimburse you later. Other companies arrange direct payment to the medical facility or doctor. Check your policy to see which way your insurance company operates.

For expenses you've paid for, don't stash away your claim form and receipts when you return home. Most travel insurance policies limit the time you have to make a claim. So get the paper-work done as soon as possible.

Travel insurance quickguides

The information contained within this article is subject to change. Always speak with your travel insurance supplier, or a licensed insurance representative, to answer your specific questions. The information collected and compiled here is intended to simply act as a guide.

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